A “Wave” Of The Future In Pediatric Dentistry.

While you relax in the spacious reception area, your kids will plunge into fun on “Levitt’s Sea Odyssey” submarine.

Great attention to detail has created a comfortable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing facility to make your child’s visit positive and enjoyable from the moment you arrive at our door.

Around every corner is something to catch the eye, relax the fears, and bring a smile to your child’s face.

We like to make your child smile.

We are dedicated to making your child’s visit an enjoyable and positive experience.
Our imaginative, multi-level “Fun Sub” will transform your child’s visit into a “super fun” adventure.
For those patients scheduled for an appointment, we also offer:

Parents’ comfort and happiness is important, too.

To make your visit more relaxing and congenial, we provide:
  • Spacious waiting facilities for both parents and children
  • A large screen T.V.
  • A coffee bar
  • A semi-private quiet waiting area

Each dental procedure performed uses the most sophisticated equipment techniques and precautions.

Because your child’s total health and safety is our priority, infection control is taken seriously, with:
  • Technologically advanced Central Sterilization of all instruments.
  • Disposable gloves and masks.
  • Single-use supplies.
Don’t hesitate to ask about infection control or other concerns.

When should your child first visit our office?

By age three, about 50% of American children have one or more decayed teeth. Therefore, we suggest that your child begin regular visits by age three and return at least twice a year. Our doctors see all children of any age if there is a dental problem.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentists are the most qualified professionals to provide dental care for your children.

Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. They receive two additional years of advanced and specialized training, focusing on the unique dental health care needs of children. A pediatric dentist can identify, correct, and prevent oral health problems.
  • Sealants can be applied to the chewing surfaces of molars, where 84% of all cavities occur.
  • Bite problems and crowding situations can be identified right away, and the doctors can actively intervene to guide the teeth as they emerge in the mouth.
  • Radiographs, fluoride treatments, and through oral examinations can help your child get a head start on keeping a beautiful and healthy smile for life.
  • Orthodontics (braces) can be fitted by a highly accomplished, fully qualified orthodontist right in our office.
  • Restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and root canal therapy are all specialties of our training and experience.

Patient Reviews


    Dr. Prasatthong can be reached 24 hours a day in an emergency, for REGULAR patients of our office.
    Call our main office phone at (727) 345-3151 for an emergency outside normal business hours.
    If there is a true medical emergency, please call 911.
    Dental emergencies, according to the ADA, “are potentially life threatening and require immediate treatment to stop ongoing tissue bleeding [or to] alleviate severe pain or infection.” Conditions include uncontrolled bleeding; cellulitis or a diffuse soft tissue bacterial infection with intraoral or extraoral swelling that potentially compromises the patient’s airway; or trauma involving facial bones that potentially comprises that patient’s airway.

    Examples: Abscess or localized bacterial infection, tooth fracture resulting in soft issue trauma, extensive caries or defective restoration causing pain, accident resulting in avulsion where the tooth has come out of the socket.

    In the event a permanent tooth is displaced from its socket, immediately place the tooth in milk and call your dentist right away. Only a permanent tooth can be reimplanted due to the risk of damaging the developing permanent tooth. If milk is not available, keep the tooth moist by wrapping it gently with a napkin or towel with water. If a tooth can be reimplanted, it must be done as soon as possible. After 1 hour, the success is unlikely. Call your dentist immediately.